Magenta's Turn


It seems like Magenta's Turn has been around forever! They released a 5 song cassette through Smear Records in 1995. Magenta's Turn has had the opportunity to play with such acts as....Starflyer 59, Crimson Winter, Sunday Blue, Greensect, Sancified Glory Mountain Revival Family, Greg Pope, Plankeye, Synaxis, plus many others.


Musically, Magenta's Turn is aberrant, a little ambient, little post modern, and blended with atmospheric psychodelic swirls, layered with a small amount of noise. People have said that they remind them of Starflyer 59, The Cure, Morella's Forest, Pink Floyd, & The Prayer Chain (Mercury Record).


"enjoyed it....really good"
Joyce-Milagro Saints

"Pink Floyd meets jazzy, psycholedic ambient noise, jazzy bass, jazzy drums"


Magenta's Turn "Flowers" 5 songs, live cassette
Cassette #S01 $ 5.00

Magenta's Turn T-shirts (Black or White)
oval logo on front & flower logo on back
$ 8.50
XXL & XXXL Add $1.50

Magenta's Turn Stickers various designs 4/$1.00

For more information about Magentas Turn, check out the Glitter Music Home page
Find Magenta's Turn on the concert list.

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